poetry of consciousness

Small talk

Someone told someone else I am unable
To face society without a drink in my hand.

They were arguing the genuineness
Of my sentiments of love for humanity due

To my struggle to engage in, small talk.

Unoffended albeit taken … CONTINUE READING »

Ninety Winemakers

Your gentle invitation was one imbued
With wit and wine I could not refuse,
On the road through the country in a flaming red car
From my home to Tuscany under a shining star

Two glasses a bottle of Ripasso … CONTINUE READING »

Three Minutes a fantasy

Three minutes is the time I will concede
Allow myself to indulge in fancies
Think of you build a fantasy, imagine
A sensual approach, a whim

A moment. Minute one,

You look at me lasciviously
Dilated pupils sapphire wells

He simply can’t

He simply can’t make
Ends meet a salary is not
Enough to feed a family pay the bills
Prays the landlord keeps his calm
A little patience in a bucket of goodwill.

He awakes at dawn
Each day to catch … CONTINUE READING »

Last night I attempted to kill you

Shapeshifter you enticed me, capable of sorcery
You conquered me, through surreal courtship
Shot my body with intoxicating doses of oxytocin,
Drew my memories blowing rings of smoke.

I retrace our story with scientific meticulousness
To grasp the event which … CONTINUE READING »

Martyr for Love

Lupercalia was the name of celebration
For the coming of spring, promises of blossom
Announced by whistling birds engaging
In mating games a season of fertility

Where senses of revelling humans reawaken
And merriments introduced a lottery binding

At dawn

Seldom have I experienced
Reality eclipsing fantasies
Secret wishes heeded
Sensibility sensing the untold,

Our glances spoke, a language
Of pretence playing nonchalant
Venturing chancing touches
Igniting shivers I tried to retain,

Flames in my chest deepened
My inhales, two … CONTINUE READING »


Take me, pretend it is not
Our first time, I have made love
To you a thousand times before
In my mind my day dreams

And at nights, I am nervous
Fear nothing will equate
My imagination, your virility

White Coffee Lies

He dresses his emotions in white
The colour of lies, told to self not to subdue
To an avalanche of unfamiliar happiness
Locking up truth in a dusty cabinet
Above the stove where coffee brews.
He smokes cigarettes to occupy … CONTINUE READING »

I love you

For some reason I love you,
I wanted to tell you, last night yet I didn’t,
Thought you might find it weird.
And it is, an awkward necessity
Perhaps a human one, to say the words
From time to time … CONTINUE READING »