poetry of consciousness

Glorified warriors

The teacher teaches history
To kids eager to learn.
A long sequence of conquerors and wars
Great empires and kingdoms
With flourishing new ideas
Setting the basis of cultures and creeds
Their legacy exciting stories
To be mixed with nostalgic … CONTINUE READING »

Another successful job

Four moons had passed
Since the crown was bestowed
Upon the enthusiastic new King.
For the occasion he was given
A nice white house
And a brand new arsenal.
After a couple drawbacks
In internal affairs,
He consulted the oracle… CONTINUE READING »

States of matter

Malleable metamorphosis
Eternal cycles
Of enduring substance.
Persistent essence
Evolving mobility
For inviolable properties
Through nature’s ability.
Water shall always be water
Gold forever gold.
Temperatures pressure
Matter into change
Influencing motion
Of atoms, teaming up
To shape the state.… CONTINUE READING »

Energy matter

Energy cooling down
Evolving into matter,
Subatomic particles
Spinning and swirling
In ever expanding
Forces playing the game.
Through fancies
And laws of attraction
Clouds of dust
Gather together,
In brilliance
To fuse and form
Shining stars


A small bracelet around the wrist
Your first belonging as eyes disclose
To state who owns you
And which of those giants are yours.
All human beings have parents
But parents are not of all
To each its own.

Glorious Creatures

I was here long before you know
On a timeline made of seconds
That never did nor do exist,
Crossing space a lot further
Than you could ever possibly conceive,
As measures deceive,
Light-years don’t begin to describe
The immensity … CONTINUE READING »

Harmless games

The baby was ecstatically happy
He had been given a toy gun, a cowboy hat,
It was his third birthday, no harm in that.
Parents were glad to see their child giggle
Pull the trigger shoot down his sisters

Remains of Cambrian

‘83 million more people
Are alive in the world
This year than last year’
Announces the newsman.
‘Adding up to roughly
7.5 billion human beings
On the planet today’
Counts the census.
‘Representing one of the largest animal
Populations on … CONTINUE READING »

Colour vibration

Evolving human
Surrounded by colours,
Gentle grins provoking last
Enduring glances of suspicion,
‘What have they to smile?’
Unfamiliar green-carpet
Streets and glowing faces,
Sounds of unusual happiness
Inundating land, echoing
In the calm unsuffering seas.
Dark elegant suits knit… CONTINUE READING »

Make believe

She did not know,
Or so she thought.
She did not know,
Or so they made her believe.
And believe she did,
They were many,
They had to know.
Temporary doubt
Avoidance of arrogance
Humbleness needed.
Did she have it?… CONTINUE READING »