The place was the unexpected carefree host
Of several tipsy nights wetted
By friendly toasts and temporary infatuations,
Lasting the duration granted
By gulping red clepsydras measuring
Time with the flow of inebriating substances.
My passion alas soon drove to … CONTINUE READING »
Beguiling blessings
Come with me, I’ll show you where
The wonders sparkle beguiling blessings
Arousing perceptions of gratitude innate
To heedless humans in lack of deceptions.
Irrefutable eternal verities unfolding
Elegantly before disallowing eyes
On the expanding canvas made of space
Shamans or World News 14.06.2017
Much like the Mayans thousands of years before,
Granting 2012 the honour to host
An apocalyptic end of the world,
Peruvian shamans now declare
2017 the year
Of turbulence and widespread war.
The healers thus reunite on a hill,
Something Rather Than Nothing
Though some believed that just as beauty
Space was in the eye of the beholder,
An abstract justification for human experience
Of matter and its motion,
An ancient thinker, by history called the Great,
Asserted with conviction, it simply did … CONTINUE READING »
All the times I said yes
I believe in never speaking the words,
‘Should have’ and ‘would have’, enemies
Of the Self.
Though many were the times
I should have, would have known
Life treated me well. Bad moments
Acknowledged as necessary paths,
To becoming … CONTINUE READING »
Little difference between
Cherry blossom and birth,
Of tadpoles, lions and stars,
Reflections of light
In refractile eyes.
Everything in motion
Set to evolve,
Into a thousand wonders
As the Universe expands,
Creating distances
Amongst objects striving
To reunite,
The Magician
Traces of tiredness excavate deep into his skin,
Daily, as I enter with a volatile smile, weekly,
In search of my dose of earthly blood, pretending
I am blind to my perception, neglecting my intuition.
Assumptions lead to consider he’s … CONTINUE READING »
Trembling he entered the bar with a cheerful smile,
In a dark green suit and a Panama hat.
Sun-dried wrinkles on his face and hands
Dotted with brown liver spots, passage of time.
Buttons of his white shirt open to … CONTINUE READING »
Feathers and lead
When Archimedes jumped out of his bathtub
Shouting ‘Eureka’ naked down the streets,
He had finally found a way to uncover
The deceit on behalf of His Majesty’s goldsmith.
Had he stolen gold replacing it with silver
While carving the … CONTINUE READING »
Stardust in our bones
Neutrons, protons and electrons compose
The entirety of atoms pervading The All,
Forming bewildering matter, objects and substances,
Ranging from dust to stars, planets, galaxies,
Superclusters, organisms, oxygen and water,
Living creatures.
Neutrons and protons in turn made of quarks,… CONTINUE READING »