poetry of consciousness

Stardust in our bones

Neutrons, protons and electrons compose
The entirety of atoms pervading The All,
Forming bewildering matter, objects and substances,
Ranging from dust to stars, planets, galaxies,
Superclusters, organisms, oxygen and water,
Living creatures.
Neutrons and protons in turn made of quarks,… CONTINUE READING »

Social animal

What marvellous creatures those biped ants,
Inhabiting the terrestrial little dust sphere, third from its star.
A naturally social animal “living in a complex social colony,
with one or more breeding queens.”
What organised creatures those biped ants,
Arranging themselves … CONTINUE READING »

Surviving will

I am double the age I was, in my darkest hour,
When nothing seemed to be, quite right,
When I gazed extensively into the depths
Of my abyssal dark brown eyes, only to fall
Desperately in love with my Self … CONTINUE READING »

Black Canvas

For too long they believed
You were static, finite
In time and space,
An inanimate background
To existence, a black canvas
Dotted with stars, awkwardly
Evolving around us.
Forever will I be in ecstasy
Before you, your might
And dynamic … CONTINUE READING »


Watching the crowd I ponder
On all the crowds that came before,
Since the first chimps gathered
Ignoring what they might become,
And I question, ‘Does this crowd know?’
Demonstrating for peace, mourning the victims,
Demanding revenge, ‘obliterate’ another crowd,… CONTINUE READING »


Each pace forward moved the summit further
As I climbed my Everest, twenty-nine thousand and six
Footsteps in the past, twenty-two more to go,
When suddenly the mount, the goddess,
Mother of the Universe, smiled at me from above.

Coriolis Effect

Two point one million kilometres per hour
Is the speed at which we flow, in Space
As we live our exotic eventful lives
On seemingly motionless grounds
Firm and solid beneath our feet.
One thousand six hundred seventy five


Enough already with the killing, the lies, the deception,
The bombs, the coverage, the justifications,
The governments, the media, the terrorists,
And all those people too bored, too lost, too angry,
Certain that murder might still serve
A purpose.


When ancient Greeks dwelt upon notions
Of matter and its nature, formulating philosophies
Of physics to grasp and get a glimpse at the Universe,
A single common inspired idea, bound them all in reflection:
‘Nothing comes into existence from nothing’.… CONTINUE READING »

Them, myself

Seclusion leads to wonder
Forgetting the sound of my voice,
As speaking loses purpose
And observation becomes my only drive.
A square with benches surrounded by trees
Pebbles clattering as kids would climb on
The mighty statue of an ancient … CONTINUE READING »