poetry of consciousness

Madness of a smile

Her lips shaped to smile
As if she had been thrust
Into this world
For such a purpose,
Unable to hide
With no reason to do so
Her innate happiness
Radiating from profusion
Of spontaneous impulsive
Impetuous gratitude.
Indulging in … CONTINUE READING »

Could it be?

You make me wonder
Toss and turn in incubi
Of doubts, phantasmata
Of your raving cynicism
Carousing over corpses
Murdered by sardonic
Grimaces you generously
Bestow upon the living
Striving to ignore the rancour
Eating you up inside.
Disillusioned by … CONTINUE READING »

Zany creations

I see you, behold your every path
Ever since you were but a grain of dust
Floating space inside me as I grew
To cocoon you bequeathed you freedom
To glissade, blithely sail the rivers of time,
Dance, blind pirouettes … CONTINUE READING »

Reset Button

Pressed the reset button to cure
My electronic friend in struggle,
It described its symptoms to me
As it would have done to a doctor,
If only the doctor had been around
And my friend could actually talk.

Mannish Boy

I sometimes forget you exist
Elsewhere away from my eyes
My reminiscences my reveries,
My lips my touch my craving you live
A life teach music to youngsters
Struggle with demons passing off
As confidants, whilst you secretly long

Ethos was the word

‘The genius of a people
Characteristic spirit
Of a time and place’
Ethos was the word,
That reawakened my fixation
Got me hooked after a chimera
Enchanted with an idea
Poisoned by reflections of myself
In the scribbles of another,… CONTINUE READING »


If only I could show you
The beauty I see,
The creatures I gaze upon
Their delicacy.
Gifted with a mind
Only beginning to grasp
The beguiling wonder
That is their mere existence,
After millenary quests
Interrogations to comprehend


Caught me by surprise
Sun had got me spoilt
Rushing through the traffic
Of bodies lost in boxes
Claxons city rumours
As the sky prepares the debut
Of its latest drama show
Threatens overture
In a thundering deep tune,

Seek me

Let go of me do not hold
me in, exhale, let me ebb,
slowly leave your shore
I will return, in an instant
all your life rest assure
I’ll evanesce, disappear
without much ado, reappear
for your delight, until then… CONTINUE READING »


Six hundred skeletal muscles
composing my body and yours,
keeping me, us together
from the one on my forehead
whimsically raising eyebrows, carving
wrinkles of my emotions, palpebral
ligaments lacrimal bones, eyelids close,
extraocular, eyelids open eyeballs move,
upwards downwards … CONTINUE READING »