poetry of consciousness

Drowning ecstasy

Enticed by the depth of your colour
I gaze at your substance stream
From the neck of your glass cage
To the palm of my hand
A chalice of crystal you breathe.
Your age reflected in transparencies
Your vigour in … CONTINUE READING »

With Eyes of Love

A Roman maxim avers
Ignorance is an ugly beast, never
A bliss. Railway station coffee bar
Zestful counter girl sheds a tear.
Smiles gifted me in the past cancelled
By precipitous disquiet vexation
For alas she was mistreated, brutishly

Holy City of Discord

Incredulous giddy eyes
Witness an appalling show
Incapable of withdrawing
Afore the grotesque play
On the theatre of future shame,
No spectator is absolved
No extenuating circumstances
Can provide a rationale
No one can rejoice,
When something is achieved

I know you exist

Albeit I have not been graced
With your acquaintance yet
I have been missing you for more
Than I dare to reminisce.
Your elegant gait, virile deportment
The serpentine hypnotic depth
Of your irises as pupils dilate,
The sobriety of … CONTINUE READING »

Dysfunctional Independence

Amicus was the Latin word
From Amare to love, a friend
Thus the one who one loves,
A beloved, fellow human being.
Naturally occurring since the dawn
Of life, amongst myriad creatures across
Multifarious species, extempore
Enhancement of traits and … CONTINUE READING »


A lump in my throat
A feeling of constriction
Unavailing cold sweat
Unquiet mind not impeding
A watering mouth as I stare
At the glass door bar fridge.
Ceres the name
Of the goddess of harvest,
Ceres the label

Vanilla or World News 07.05.2018

Lava flowing in sweeping meanders
Mantles the paradisian island
Engulfing homes stifling inhabitants
Hawaiian landscapes resculptured,
Under the eyes of doctor-diagnosed
Addicted society to lobotomising compulsions
Connecting through networks murderous shams
Allegedly having a bearing on
Increasing malignant brain tumours … CONTINUE READING »


A concept, an idea, an impulse
Primitive instinct ignited by perceptions
Meandering lands in exploration
Intensifying perspicuous senses,
Pupils gazing earth, scrutinising shades
Espying fungi under shrubs, edible berries
From poisonous ones, taste buds fruits
On towering trees learning to … CONTINUE READING »

Blowing shapes

Undergoing a sea of change
it fluctuates modelling shapes,
sinuous guises of innate fantasy
creativity of burning leaves,
once emerald green then cropped
exsiccated for the pleasure of some
willing to renounce a touch of vigour
to indulge in a … CONTINUE READING »

The Handicap

I was asked last night at a book
Existence-exalting presentation which
Handicap I deemed the most
Eminently enfeebling of all.
A hindrance to a journey we call life
With no havering nor cunctation
Extempore concept conviction
I answered ‘Loss of … CONTINUE READING »