poetry of consciousness

The Unspoken

Forever I have heard people’s voices
Made it a point to listen and keep quiet
Heed their words seeking to decipher the unspoken
Desperately lingering on to discern a piece of me.
Heard them endlessly repeat, life’s a gift


Anita shed your tears
For as long as you deem
For every moment you feel
Anita shed your tears.
You have lived and loved
More than one when times did not
Allow a scandal nor a woman


Anita shed your tears
For as long as you deem
For every moment you feel
Anita shed your tears.
You have lived and loved
More than one when times did not
Allow a scandal nor a woman

Under the beech

Dark mountains covered in shades
Of green thick velvet a forest unsullied
A glimpse at the precipice as we lie
Under a ten-trunk beech tree sheltering
First from sunrays then from droplets
Of dithering rain. A myriad emerald leafs


You feel them rise from the depth of guts
Creeping slowly through the heart
You lose a beat, to reach a mind unaware
Of what it is about to receive. An intention.
You think they are the fruit of intuitions… CONTINUE READING »

Drunken ghosts

There are times when my hands are unable
to give up, holding a glass a crystal coffer
carrying within a precious lymph of ruby,
one that glorified Dionysus enrapturing mortals
praying for relief, seeking refuge from reality,
maybe even ecstasy. … CONTINUE READING »

Unexpected voyeur

Seated on blue tribal patterns
She plays his body moving fingers
From his sacrum upwards, along
His spine to his neck and down
Again over his shoulders onto his biceps
His pale skin an astronomical map
Made of moles and … CONTINUE READING »


We grew listening to stories
of a past, a time when adventurers
explored the world by navigating oceans,
vast expanses of salted waters,
where hid the biggest mammals known
to mankind as blue whales surrounded
by myriad multifarious animals called … CONTINUE READING »

In three days you taught me silence

Thought I knew what silence was
Until you took me places, no music
In the car nor singing out of tune,
Muted radio only thoughts
Jammed the network with ideas,
Slipping away as fast as they come
Impossibly expressed in … CONTINUE READING »

In reality my dear

Hello dear I love you but
Don’t get too excited as you are not
The only one.
I have loved before
I have loved a million times
In very many different ways.
It was marvellous my dear
Hope you will … CONTINUE READING »