poetry of consciousness


The man was struggling to raise a tiny ceramic cup,
Trembling hands rested on a rush hour counter smeared
By stains of coffee croissants crumbs clumsily left behind
By those who indulged before him. Deep breaths
As he strives to … CONTINUE READING »

Railroad Bridge

He has lived under me for over two decades,
When he first settled in he only had a piece
Of cardboard a flowered blanket and a sheet,
A book and a moustache, deep blue eyes.
No one knew him nor … CONTINUE READING »

The shark

She knew she was just a fragile goldfish
Life had proved her so, thrusting her
From gentle rivers into wild oceans
At the mercy of tides gasping for air in salty waters.
Chased by criminals in disguise she had to … CONTINUE READING »

Thank you

I was considering our differences the way
We walk I gently you like to hear the sound
Of your steps your heels the pavement tremble,
We eat I follow the etiquette you are oblivious to
I wait for you to … CONTINUE READING »

The Spoon

I have been wondering for years about the spoon
Its graceful feeling and its warmth
Its promises of shelter instinctively cuddling up
In primitive blankets made of human skin.
Though the merciless hunter does not kill its prey
It deviously … CONTINUE READING »

The sleeping guru

He had a hard time remembering his dreams
Envy invaded his synapses at dawns to think
That Morpheus would choose a billion people
Over him, to bring, somewhere else a nowhere land
A hidden realm where fantasy is confused

A million dollar Lady

She always had been the beautiful one
The first daughter of an ambitious couple
From a noble mother, royal fruit of an olden past
A proud father, public school gentleman.
Brought up to be a lady in manners and behaviour… CONTINUE READING »

The orchid

She was tall and beautiful a time
When he brought her home
As a present to his loyal lover
Blooming flowers purple and white.
A stem held straight to give her a direction
A constricting transparent plastic vase

6.371 km deep

I met a worm, a tiny brown creepy-crawly
Undiscernible eyes hypnotic rings enticing me
To follow it down below, where soils are darker
Pitch black tunnels dug by writhing bodies sparking
Claustrophobic sensation of the underground.
An entrancing bond compels … CONTINUE READING »

My other uncle

He taught me how to ride my bicycle,
Or at least tried to in Roman parks until I fell.
Bruised knees I cried and sobbed as he attempted
With his distinguishing smile to extinguish my despair.
Pulsations sprang an impulse … CONTINUE READING »