AK POEMS are written in Italian, English and French and represent a poet’s diary where to report marvels and appalments, strong-felt opinions on current events, profound perceptions on feelings, beguilements at astrophysics and life in its widest sense. Inspiration is to be found at the sight of a humble clochard or the listening of a President’s speech, at the finding of a stranded starfish or the discovery of physical laws. Poems the poet calls Poeticles and defines as Autopoiesis of Consciousness.

AK NOVELS are existential quests picturesquely depicting physical, mental and emotional journeys. Whether strolling on city roads, flying to international destinations, or travelling between worlds, the author’s fictional stories combine imagination and reality to tackle issues concerning the essence of humanity and of the individuals composing it. Sentiments such as loneliness and feelings of belonging, tedium and happiness, self-contempt and self-actualisation, revolutionise concepts of origins and identity, time and space, life and death.