
From Kastellorizo to Lycabettus

Asked for a memory the first that came to mind
The moonless sky, the warmth of that Athenian night,
The pervading scent of citrus aurantium trees,
The juice of bitter oranges trickling down my chin.
At the head of the … CONTINUE READING »

Poeticles Collections Released

Poeticles Collections Covers

Poeticles are “poetic-less” melanges of words portraying the startlingly multifarious aspects of a random human being’s life. Its perceptions, sentiments, observations and realities.

Five years of Poeticles have been selected to compose a five-volume series divided in various themes, from … CONTINUE READING »

Mourning at the bar

My arrival by train to the lake bar
Is a little squared metal kiosk,
With several white tables on its terrace
It hosts me on red chairs under its wooden porch.
Spirited good mornings evenings and nights
Greet me with … CONTINUE READING »

Unable to leave

Loving you unsettles me, dismantles all
My walls a brick at the time as I
Frantically struggle to recompose,
The smithereens of me for my abode
Not to crumble down and I to fall.
Loving you dismays me, baffles my … CONTINUE READING »


Venturing into wild woods a declivity
Framed by sheltering trees and threatening thorns,
Through a quasi-undiscernible track past footsteps
Guide me to a rocky berm of pebbles galore.
Diverse shapes and colours build hypnotic structures
Monkeylike I toil on them … CONTINUE READING »


My dear fish I am finning upstream
I finally left the ocean for the inland
I am embarking on a new adventure
Surrounded by immensity, tall trees
Reaching for the sky frame the river on both sides,
Earth is covered … CONTINUE READING »


Take me to where the stars do not shine
Where the darkness of nothingness springs
Colours invisible to my blind eyes, explain
Empty space to me elucidate the concept
Perplexing my mind, tell me what complete
Silence sounds like, describe … CONTINUE READING »


Take me to where the stars do not shine
Where the darkness of nothingness springs
Colours invisible to my blind eyes, explain
Empty space to me elucidate the concept
Perplexing my mind, tell me what complete
Silence sounds like, describe … CONTINUE READING »


A grain of sand glittered afore the eyes
Of a curious creature holding solely ambitions
Ideas of grandeur, of possession, a stick a stone
A piece of gold for knaves to enchant fools.
Delineating lines on lands we built our … CONTINUE READING »


A grain of sand glittered afore the eyes
Of a curious creature holding solely ambitions
Ideas of grandeur, of possession, a stick a stone
A piece of gold for knaves to enchant fools.
Delineating lines on lands we built our … CONTINUE READING »