When the lonely nutshell decided to blow,
Out of itself malleable creative energy
For space to unfold into endless expansion
Begin the infinite story of a new-born Universe,
It did not cater for symmetry, nor for perfection.
Sparkles and outbursts … CONTINUE READING »
Wavelengths of light
Intangible perception of reflecting light,
Electromagnetic radiation stimulating
Mammalian photoreceptors, six million
Cone cells densely packed, in a point three
Millimetres area known, as the fovea centralis
Residing at the core, of colour-grasping retinas.
Red, green and blue, bases of … CONTINUE READING »
The Perseids
Icy clusters of rocks and dust, leftovers
Of extra matter scattered around a star.
Following the orbit guiding a perpetual run,
For seeing creatures to gaze at midnight skies
In search of glistening shooting lights.
Comets, so named by the … CONTINUE READING »
Primitive ancestors
In a Universe fourteen billion years old, a galaxy
Amongst two trillion others moves, through space
At two point one million kilometres per hour, pulled
By a gravitational focal point once named, the Great
Attractor and now known, to be … CONTINUE READING »
Fastidious noises, thoughtless behaviours,
Far from consciousness, lack of education
Or merely of attention, while hands pick
Food plunging in serving bowls to stuff
The mouth so plenty it barely closes.
Licking fingers, displaying stained teeth,
Chewing forcefully, yearning for … CONTINUE READING »
Obliged to see
Improvising, accepting, closing eyes, my smiles
Unbeseeched for each awakening deserves its own,
Spontaneous distortion of expression suggesting
Fondness in being me, a human amongst others,
Permanently contradicting prospects of random sadness.
On occasion ineluctably dejected, as now,
Red varnished nails, exuberant shades,
Light sparks mutating fingers and toes,
Permeating space, to turn suffocating heat
Into perky summer air, shaping muted light
Into bliss catalysts, stranding paleness
Of the past, in escaping mist.
[Featured painting: Red Painting by … CONTINUE READING »
If only Leo could see
As I travel through soft white vapours
Gazing beyond aboard flying vessels,
Wheels and wings provided unable
To navigate distant oceans beneath
I wonder, if only Leo could see.
If only he could see the lands from above
Checking though … CONTINUE READING »
With love to All
We have been taught we’ll grow
Up to love one. The One and only who
Will matter and complement our life,
Bringing meaning to existence, shining light.
Legends, tales, novels, songs,
Cinematography depicting idyllic love,
Affairs where one should rather … CONTINUE READING »
Playing marbles
The singular marble of energy, infinitely dense,
Elected to expand towards inexistent directions,
Creating space to unfold volatile carpets of navy
Blue time, on which to develop endless potential.
Light ignites for particles to amalgamate reflections,
Evolving energy into matter, … CONTINUE READING »