
It’s been too long

It’s been three months since I last,
And I thought I wouldn’t mind, I sufficed
My hands engaging, writing delicate words
Overwhelming spirit only craving,
Transcendence of my thoughts
To the esoteric demesne of the unknown.
Yet I now find … CONTINUE READING »

Road trip anecdote

Leaving the highway for the curvy rural lane
Moonless pitch-black night returning
From Rome to the heart of its green belt.
Where the countryside seduces farmers
With shiny nuggets on primeval trees,
Mediterranean gold, liquid olives
To be harvested and … CONTINUE READING »

Bathed in ignorantia

They run down corridors, penetrate
Eardrums, tympanic membranes vibrating
Sounds of whispered ignorantia, injected
In minds, spewed out of unclosing mouths.
Actively engaged in spreading the word,
As meticulous news reporters committed
To divulge, unfounded information, undercover
Agents passing off … CONTINUE READING »

I remember you forgot

A Persian game I used to play
with my mother when I was
nothing but a child fighting over
who would break, the wishbone.
‘I remember you forgot’ she exclaimed
as she handed something to me and I’d forget

Dēmokratia Democracia

When demos loses kratia
our Greek fathers shake,
their heads in disapproval
unbelieving two millennia,
myriads of wars and corpses
abused, burned, bombed,
imprisoned and enslaved,
did not suffice to effectively mutate,
a thought into a fact.
Establishing governments supposed… CONTINUE READING »

Ivory box

Heavy eyelids struggling to remain
Open, while as quilts they prepare
To shelter drying miotic pupils,
Grand drapes shutting before the stage
Of reality.
A tarnishing moon mists the mind
Attempting to try, to content temperamental
Will, keeper of infantile … CONTINUE READING »

Raining Olives

November first, all saints
Celebrated canonised or not.
Recognition left as beauty
In the eye of the beholder.
For sinners accomplishing
Something worthy of holiness,
Something worthy of humanity,
Its nature, the Universe.
Compassion, aidance, honesty.
Truthfulness, chastity intended

Not a spectator

Responsibilities nothing more
Than what we want them to be.
Not imposed only taken they reflect,
Who we wish to be and grow into.
Not an effort nor a sacrifice but
An opportunity a gift from us,
To ourselves. Our … CONTINUE READING »

Ashes of apathy

Not struggle begot by necessity
beholds omnificence. And talent
alone does not suffice nor keeps
in store efforts of tenacious will.
Resolve is solely grounded in a drive
Inclined to transcendence, beyond
Body and mind to prove
To ourselves we … CONTINUE READING »

I have seen you before

I know who you are, I lived you, caressed
your involucre, immersed in your depth,
saw the entangled black worms creeping
inside you clogging your arteries, asphyxiating
your organs to insanity, as colourful
butterflies flee from your orbits, escaping