
Pieces of humanity

When at home you have guests
Dear people you have come to call friends,
Seated on couches and sofas talking laughing
Dreaming away, and you feel they don’t care,
You wonder whether it is only an impression
You wonder whether … CONTINUE READING »

Grandma’s coffee cup

I never met her though she met me,
She assisted my first breaths into life
Until my first smiles, then sadly departed
Leaving mama in solitude and gloom,
Finding relief, as she will later tell me,
Solely following the motion … CONTINUE READING »

Speaking sky

I gaze into the sky striving to focus,
Adjusting diaphragms, brown irises,
Contracting pupils searching for depth,
Capturing light through eager lenses
My sole optical instrument my eyes.
Piercing atmosphere to see beyond,
Crossing layers through flocks of gulls
Condensation … CONTINUE READING »

Alone with me

A day of silence punctuated solely by ticks
Of seconds pouring out from my bird clock
Hanging by the marble staircase behind me
As I sit at my desk wallowing in solitude.
No giggling kids running around nor asking

New Horizons

Morning smiles eyes shut under beams
Of light, rays trespassing boundaries
Of my abode slinking through windows
To embrace, envelop me in warmth.
What it used to be like being me before I
Became a different version of who I … CONTINUE READING »

Train of sentiment

Emotions raise confusing sentiments we submit
Under the careful scrutiny of reason, as if
All we were was mind and mind solely could be
Trusted. Yet before a thought act perceptions,
Intuitions led by instincts to accustom to the tribe.… CONTINUE READING »

I'd like to listen

Show me your brilliance, open your eyes,
Let me gaze within you don’t bat your lashes
As I plunge into the kaleidoscopic abysses
Of your pupils, clinging on your red-blue capillaries
Lianas in the mystic jungle that is your spirit.… CONTINUE READING »

My talent my flaw

A familiar aftertaste I chanced upon once more
Roused my alert commanding me, to swiftly escape.
In the opposite direction fast and far
Evoking poisons I ingested thrice before.
Survival a mere benison of my purity.
Though my mind and … CONTINUE READING »

My talent my flaw

A familiar aftertaste I chanced upon once more
Roused my alert commanding me, to swiftly escape.
In the opposite direction fast and far
Evoking poisons I ingested thrice before.
Survival a mere benison of my purity.
Though my mind and … CONTINUE READING »

A thousand red roses

A thousand red roses drizzling from the skies
Thornless, velvety as snow albeit not cold nor white
Blanket the land with a subtle veil of sudden joy.
Inexplicable euphoria pervading a populace
In dire straits and little hope, Pandora’s box … CONTINUE READING »