Woke up to light, in my life today
the sun rose for the 15,705th time.
For 15,705 days Earth has spinned in such
a delightful precise way as to grant
me existence, an abode in the bewildering
expanse of endlessly … CONTINUE READING »
Woke up to light, in my life today
the sun rose for the 15,705th time.
For 15,705 days Earth has spinned in such
a delightful precise way as to grant
me existence, an abode in the bewildering
expanse of endlessly … CONTINUE READING »
Curtain down on glittering smiles,
Children’s exuberance, adults’ laughter.
Curtain down on happiness,
The concept, the unalienable right, its pursuit.
Curtain down on comradery,
Unfeigned compassion, amity and goodwill.
Curtain down on playful youth,
Hopscotch, musical chairs, and sleeping lions.… CONTINUE READING »
Seek me, let passion lead you,
Surrender to the mellifluous impulse,
Luscious shivers down your spine,
Heed your skin, its yearning, its craving,
Concede to its dominion, hush
Your mind’s obstinate hesitance,
Relent to the enticement
The all-pervasive fremitus you … CONTINUE READING »
Blinded by successions of tragedies I am
Looking for you, your shape, your form,
Your essence, your substance, seeking your words,
Your embrace, your empathy, your courage,
Your sorrow, your grief, your resilience, your tears,
Your frustrated anger, the bravery … CONTINUE READING »
My dear fish, feels like the world is going bonkers,
Humanity has stumbled upon a bizarre newfangled disorder
Compelling it to walk backwards, blind to its retroceding course,
Blind to its sombre direction, its dismal destination,
All it sees is … CONTINUE READING »
I am alone as I wait for you
Toying with colours by the tree,
Slowly undressing fading emerald
Into brittle rustling amber Didi and Gogo
Are nowhere to be seen. With patience
And anticipation I read the longest novels,
As Dostoevsky and the Karamazov have been lying
on my belly for the past half hour I am musing
on a chocolate cake, soft sponge, creamy frosting
dark cold icing, my mouth watering in anticipation
my mind perusing the kitchen, … CONTINUE READING »
I bide my time awaiting, the next full moon as if
This one more than others knows how and wills
To seduce me, entrance me, revive me, adroitly
Laying promises on velvet blankets
For me to surrender and yield my … CONTINUE READING »
The mind plays games with which the player
is unacquainted.
Its rules are hidden and to be divined
embracing courage,
for the player to take a nescient move.
And with each move
to stumble and fall, reluctantly its skin… CONTINUE READING »
Though my consciousness enjoins my body to acquiesce
To a tired will pleading to resist, my legs subdue volition
Elect my path conjuring me to surrender, to temptation
An enchantment promising respite repose and relief.
I yield, cave and relinquish … CONTINUE READING »