

There’s a theory in the ether
Claiming primordial records
Of all that ever was is and will be
Stored in the very fabric of space.
‘Everything is written in the skies’
Ancient preachers used to say
Averring intrinsic knowledge is … CONTINUE READING »

Folding Brollies

Sunlit full moon in the azure morn sky
Flocks of swallows in formation elegantly fly
A sinuous dance a spectacle enchanting
My vision of the world awakening at dawn.
I reach the coffee bar, sit on the terrasse

Random Smiles

I usually smile when my eyes cross
The path of another human gaze,
A cautious hint not to infringe an unwritten
Social contract imposing coldness and distance,
Respectfully bowing my head just a tad
Just in case to leave no … CONTINUE READING »

Unable to repulse

I can’t believe despite my efforts I fell
In love again. I tried god knows I strove
I fought the impelling instinct taped
The mouth of insidious feelings creeping
From my stomach to my vocal chords,
To utter the words. … CONTINUE READING »


I never feel, lonely in my isolation.
Indulging in my spirited passions I laugh
At my unspoken quips and sallies,
Murmuring sweet words of affection
To Self while tenderly kissing my shoulder
Pouring glasses of wine as red as my … CONTINUE READING »


I never feel, lonely in my isolation.
Indulging in my spirited passions I laugh
At my unspoken quips and sallies,
Murmuring sweet words of affection
To Self while tenderly kissing my shoulder
Pouring glasses of wine as red as my … CONTINUE READING »


The things they say, always they,
Faceless people unknowing my face,
They ignore the colour of my eyes
What makes me smile what tears
Me apart. Yet,
They are eager to take a rumour
Amplify and broadcast it,

Baby I like your shirt

Returning to where it all began hot springs
The colour of your eyes crystal aqua glittering
Diamonds piercing my skin to peer get a glimpse
Of my interiors furnished with silent emotions
I will not allow myself to express, compelled… CONTINUE READING »

Sandy Storm

Our ethereal shield from azure turned grey
Delicacy blemished by vapours of gloom deprived
Of shape, untraceable borders melding to create
Shades of uncommon colours impeding beams
Of flaming light, to reach my skin, warm
The relentless blood streaming through … CONTINUE READING »

Movement of My Lips

An idea, an intention uttered out in words
The complex movement of my lips effuses
Sounds you recognise and sometimes comprehend,
Rolling my tongue pressing it against my teeth
The muscles of my jaws define the perfect aperture