
Woke up to light, in my life today
the sun rose for the 15,705th time.

For 15,705 days Earth has spinned in such
a delightful precise way as to grant
me existence, an abode in the bewildering
expanse of endlessly unfolding darkness.

For 15,705 times I have awaken to warmth
a sheltering lair, a bedding, enveloping covers,
slid out of them to place my feet on stable grounds,
to notice, the sophisticated complexity of my human shell.

My breath, carrying molecules of oxygen to cleanse
restless blood, drops of emerald flowing through my veins,
resilient muscles, the strength of a spine supporting all,
nerves sending messages for senses to feel the awe.

Myriad thoughts crossing my mind, the sublime
intricate connections of millions of years of evolution,
a consciousness able to perceive, grasp the marvel
of omnific nature’s fantasy, its generosity galore.

Never have I lacked sustenance for my subsistence,
never has water refused to quench my thirst, caress
my body, glittering age-old droplets of life beginning
out there to flourish here, on this little sapphire sphere.

So how could I not deem myself
blessed as I enjoy the bliss of heaven?
How could I not be profoundly pervaded
by intense gratitude for all that has allowed

Me to open my eyes today, for the 15,705th time?

[Featured artwork: by Adam Martinakis]