Spanish Painted Pigeons

Though my consciousness enjoins my body to acquiesce
To a tired will pleading to resist, my legs subdue volition
Elect my path conjuring me to surrender, to temptation
An enchantment promising respite repose and relief.

I yield, cave and relinquish control, give in to the jive
Luring me to take a sip of a potion posing as panacea
Beguiling me into perdition, obfuscating what is left
Of a cloudy mind unwilling to hassle or brawl, exhausted

Coerced by the sorcerer to turn blind eyes, unheeding ears
To the roars of crying humanity, to the agony of the indignant,
To the misery of the helpless, the hopeless, the desperate,
To the hunger of those who have nothing else but themselves,

Whilst the ceaseless cacophony of meaningless whines,
Laments of pampered mercurial spoiled creatures, drills
Into my brain inducing an insufferable non-physical migraine
Torturing my writhing soul into convulsions of disgust.

So I swallow, gulp glasses of the potion awaiting annihilation,
Attempting to quell the overwhelming sensation of complete
Impotence, the excruciating feeling of impossibleness,
The disgraceful ineluctable desire for indifference, until I might

Make myself as small as painted Spanish pigeons, freed
From the master, fly away in the midst of a kaleidoscopic flock.

[Featured photo: Spanish painted racing pigeons]