
Gathered on a large uphill street to honour a Saint
An heterogeneous constellation of human beings
Raise their chalisses to a golden imposing sun
Toasting a melody encompassing mirific diverse notes.

The orchestra conductor a fantastical kaleidoscopic town
Paradisal a garden embraced by emerald peridot mountains
Ethereal beneath limpid sapphire turquoise skies
A myriad cerulean hues allowing sunbeams to reflect

In glittering eyes.

Humanity sits to share, a collation, a moment, time, halt time
Break bread around and along long white tables, laid
With care by blithe revellers, preparing a festive banquet
For glee to permeate a Lucullian feast, for scents galore

To inebriate commensals, enticing them to acknowledge
Their fortune, inspiring their gratitude afore providence
“Togetherness” the title of the melody, notes reverberating
Cheers, storytellings, and laughter, until Dionysus invites

The merry crowd to a dance.

[Featured painting: The Dancing Couple by Jan Steen, 1663]