Last night I attempted to kill you

Shapeshifter you enticed me, capable of sorcery
You conquered me, through surreal courtship
Shot my body with intoxicating doses of oxytocin,
Drew my memories blowing rings of smoke.

I retrace our story with scientific meticulousness
To grasp the event which saw me falling,
Into the depths of who you are, how I was seduced
After years past pretending intimacy

Was just a game, you drove through my silence
Unuttering a word until you stopped,
In the middle of a lane you got out of the car,
Opened my door made me yours, taught me

The rapture of submission, in aquamarine hot rivulets
Where currents counteracted your movement,
Taken I was hypnotised, by the swelling of the veins
On your biceps, whilst the undertow stole

Your swimsuit, you had a blue bathrobe,
Exploring virgin woods you walked me to oblivion,
At the edge of the cliff laid me under a beech tree,
Over me, only you and emerald hues

Of leaves carried to the precipice by rising winds,
We came, I picked the habit of twirling
My fingers around the curls on your chest, awaiting
Thunder abducting our dream, we sought refuge

In an ancient hermitage you sang me, in Portuguese,
Danced me on the terrace under tall exotic trees,
We spotted toucans you brought coconuts in bed,
We bathed in plankton I delighted

In wrapping my arms around you,
Scrutinising your sapphire eyes perusing the skies,
You hid hints of jealousy behind a grin,
As you watched tiny fish fin, to my body feed

On my dead skin, at the gorge insisted I should bow
Afore the devil’s eye no one would see,
We were alone you gave me my last shot,
Then blew away in a ring of smoke.

Last night I attempted to kill you.

[Featured artwork: Love Incense by Greg Spalenka]