Marvelling Motion

Never fails to marvel, endless motion
Of all that exists, my heartbeat tiny dots
In the night sky, they say are so much bigger
Should one approach, balls of fire
Emitting light to engender life, particles
Of fantasy fusing to recombine, into
Something different, a little heavier a little
More complex, atoms of hydrogen turn
Into oxygen, and when they die they go
Out, with a silent blast echoing vibrations
Made of gold, rainfall on rocky spheres
Droplets of water compose oceans
Cradling organisms evolving into breath
For us, to breathe-in and get acquainted, with
Our essence, realising there is no difference
Between us, the tiny dots in the night sky
And all that exists, made of one matter
Malleable substance, ever evolving revolving
Dust, cosmic miniatures of unfolding possibilities
Within and outlining out figurine we shine
Ponder to reflect only to grasp the awareness
That we perceive with our essence far more
Than with our reason, confusing suffusing
The light encompassing our nature that of all
At dawn, the closest dot displays its magic
Warmth, enlightening ceaselessly dancing
As the rocky sphere we stand upon plays
Chasing games and all dashes through
The ballroom of infinite space, a spectacle
Of endless motion that never fails, to marvel
Me unwanting ever ruby curtains to be drawn.

[Featured painting: The Sky With Stars by Adrian Borda]