
I ignore if you perceive your existence
Though I am inclined to believe you don’t,
I think I might be the only creature
Mad enough to struggle and ponder
A lifetime on what we are.
Since my earliest days I have contemplated
My surroundings observed investigated,
Exploring the unfathomable realms of the unknown
From the skies above to the earth below.
Under pouring rains over rising oceans
Life-giving water was the cradle of my birth,
My first steps through vast expanses
Of wilderness took me into the wombs
Of mighty sheltering mountains where
I found a lair, a cave and within
Bewildering you, my fortune my curse,
Freed you from eternally imprisoning rocks
I held you, in my hand gazing at the stars
You looked so alike so beautifully divine,
To the extent that for an instant I surmised
You might have fallen off that celestial canvas
Inspiring my awe.
You shined, a myriad lights upon my omnificence
My tenacious fingers griping your indomitable body
Taming the untameable to cut carve and shape
Stones into tools gems into jewels I used you,
Then placed you in a coffer to possess you forget you
Spellbound craving and seeking others just like you,
Digging tunnels to hell enslaving myself a betrayal
You did not notice but for which I was punished
Losing my breath and my reason deprived,
Of the ability to distinguish your value from your price
I sold you, to the highest bidder to brake you
In a myriad pieces hurled into black markets
I repent, since then striving to learn understand
Discover the fabric of your essence the rarity
Of your substance let me apologise and confess
Our nature,
You are a diamond I am humanity.
[Featured image: Diamond]