Curled body

I know summer is coming to an end
Each time you fall afore my eye again,
Though I can hardly bear you under rising temperatures
You are always there to keep me warm when they drop.
When I was younger I wanted you to be different
In time I have learnt to love you just the way you are,
For you are a part of me and without you starbeams
Would burn me or perhaps eventually even kill me.
I appreciate your presence in my life as it reminds me
Of what they see and who I am, in reality,
For many you define me, an extravagant extrovert
Though you and I know the truth, it’s only appearances.
When I tie you up no one recognises me,
When I set you free I feel enshrouded and protected,
You have become my shield you act both as a veil and a lens
Magnifying the beauty drawing curtains on the dirt.
Your curled contorted body inspires my smile, downy
Fuzzy and soft I play with your nots, a mess
When you wake up, you regain shape solely under my touch,
During the day you surrender to the weather
Moved by winds heat and wetness swell you,
Sea water deflates you, delineates your precious silhouette
You look beautiful in summer and it’s a shame to have to
Annually tie you up under rising temperatures.
I missed you anticipating the fall, the winter and spring
Ready for a whole nine months I will treat you kindly
Bathe you in coconut and almond oils mask you in keratin,
I know you don’t believe me for I never do, but this time
I swear I’ll try if you only promise you will stay at least until July.
[Featured photo: Me]