
My dear fish I am finning upstream
I finally left the ocean for the inland
I am embarking on a new adventure
Surrounded by immensity, tall trees
Reaching for the sky frame the river on both sides,
Earth is covered in emerald, sand leaves
The floor to moistened soils dark brown
Nurturing variegated plants whilst red
And purple berries reflect sunbeams
They glitter like precious stones on frail branches,
At the banks four legged animals approach
To rekindle drink and bath with suspicion,
I think they fear predators sensing
Their vulnerable state, further up
The flow strengthens, my fatigue distracted
By colossal grey structures, cages
For self-imprisoning furless bipeds,
Those who are free climb into roaring boxes
Exhaling unbreathable fumes as they move
Along pavements covered in petroleum,
The sounds emitted by the city are deafening
I am swimming faster to escape thunderous ferries,
Whirling in a vortex caused by rampant tributaries
I catch thieves, agricultural fields, farms and factories
Stealing water shamelessly returning
Turbid sordid liquids to a river turning brown,
It tastes like filthy poison exhausted I move on
In anticipation of finer discoveries
Where wildlife conquers back its territory,
I manage to overcome little cascades I see mountains
Ahead, though suddenly a barricade compels me to halt
It commands courses the bipeds call it a dam.
[Featured painting: L’Equarisseur by Veks Van Hillik]