Sandy Storm

Our ethereal shield from azure turned grey
Delicacy blemished by vapours of gloom deprived
Of shape, untraceable borders melding to create
Shades of uncommon colours impeding beams
Of flaming light, to reach my skin, warm
The relentless blood streaming through my veins
Instead, roaring thunder daunting lightning flashes
From above, skies taking snapshots of humanity awaiting
Winds to conduct the sublime orchestra giving rhythm
To the rhapsody of crystal rain, particles of sands
From deserts afar pour with rage dressing roses
In beige, blanketing life with linens of tenebrosity enticing
My desires to solely aspire to spend, the day under
The covers in effusions of affection immersed,
Exchanging body heat intimacy seeking the calefaction
Of the sun in your arms, its brilliance in your gaze.
[Featured painting: Together by Joseph Lorusso]