Blissful Idleness

Time slows down when fatigue overthrows
Intentions lost in chaos of frantic surroundings,
As all spins and twirls energies in motion
Uncountable directions countless choices,
Surprising outcomes in a world of possibilities.
Roaring planes and trains iron colossi carrying
People towards destinations, to meet others
Get things done escape, search for something else
Elsewhere, speeding through streets and avenues
Clogged by jams, traffic lights directing pace
White rabbits screaming they are late,
While phones ring the beginning of a new day
Church bells are silenced not to disturb
Nor endure the humiliation of not being heard,
Roller shatters as curtains on a stage
Pulled up to open businesses, greet an eager public
Creating crowds blending odours, the tram is delayed
My intentions fade, heat corrupts the mind,
Teases it with promises of soothing taste,
A cold beer a reclining chair midst a garden under
The caress, of a delicate cool breeze
Indulging in blissful idleness.
[Featured painting: Sweet Doing Nothing by John William Godward]