Dysfunctional Independence

Amicus was the Latin word
From Amare to love, a friend
Thus the one who one loves,
A beloved, fellow human being.
Naturally occurring since the dawn
Of life, amongst myriad creatures across
Multifarious species, extempore
Enhancement of traits and abilities.
Laughter a sign of frisky peace,
Its repercussions resonate as strength
Fostering courage and endurance
Rooting stability and reassurance,
Succouring one another, alliances
Essential to survival. Fidus Achates.
Yet times change and man with them
Evolves, in this one he has
Established laws a government
Police, an army to ensure longevity,
Guarded against predators and enemies
He veers friendship
From a physical necessity to the emotional
Spheres of a mind enhancing, grasping
Droplets of awareness perceiving
Self others and the Universe immense,
Reflecting upon who he is
Seeking the whys.
A social animal, insane in solitude
Questing after bonds to find a strength,
This one psychological, imbued
With support and care, someone
Who knows us, values our spirit,
Gently guides us away from risks,
Helps us think, develop thoughts and insights
Shines a light on dark tortuous paths,
Laying the grounds to unconditional concern,
Trust and respect, a friendship
Made of connecting souls in defiance
Of modern conceptions of I neglecting We.
A culture despite us built
On dysfunctional independence
Compelling us to believe, we do not need,
Hiding our vulnerability coerced
Into competition fake ambitions
Of individuality while indeed,
It is evident to us all we are unique
As a collective being, a race a species One,
Humanity unfathomably thrust
Into existence, inhabiting a planet blue,
Graciously lending itself to harbour us
Shielding to proceed and pursue
A mystic journey towards becoming
The most beautiful creatures ever been.
[Featured image: Portraits of humanity]

2 thoughts

  1. Necessarily human, tragically human, utopically human
    It’s difficult not to comment on each of your presentations. Well done. Again.

    1. Thank you so much. It is always a pleasure to receive your feedback.

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