Perception of a thought

Touched. Something ignites,
Pupils dilate, senses heed,
Light, shapes, shades, sounds,
Swarming scents pervade,
Soft breeze howling gales
Scorching heat fresh waters cascade,
Hard rocks glittering minerals
Piercing thorns shield dainty petals,
Drops of emerald stem from skin,
Pores perspire perceptions, Earth
An abode, multifaceted realities,
Observing aspects sensations,
Enveloping environment a shelter
A shell, a lair. Where
Unscathed minds engage in games
Of focus, mental spyglasses, angles,
Points of view,
A stand a stance a slant
An attitude, an approach,
Setting the grounds for thoughts,
A way of looking perspectives
Searching a vantage enabling
Interpretation creating a line, ideas
Sparkled by emotions engendering
Feelings pondering on postulations,
Reason triggers an opinion
Swiftly a belief, altering fluctuations
Convictions lead to judgement,
Drafting theories hypothesis,
Assumption supposition presumption,
Surreptitious arrogance
Insinuates conclusions held as truths,
Empirical deduction, experiments
Experience inferring notions the hunch
Of an impression a verity
Essential fancy, trust reliance upon
A leap of faith a principle
A credence an ideology, ethical tenets
Shape the doctrine,
Bestowing canons a code,
A direction, awareness, enlightenment.
[Featured painting: Fields of Gold by Jimmy Lawlor]