Electric landscape

I hear energy stream impetuously
Through black lines above my head,
Copper cables on which birds take repose
From their impromptu swirling spectacle,
An unfaltering flight, winged acrobats
Clustering shapes, forms of fascination
Endeavouring migration, destination Spring
Following rays of warmth, blossoming lands,
Where marmots awake from hibernation
To the scents of jasmines, snails
A little less lethargic I caution my steps
Tiptoe not to crush them while I spot
A hedgehog rolling into a ball to flee
My approach, the horse is bothered
By buzzing flies in search of romance
On its mane, tail sway, red poppies
I murdered as a child using pistils
To write, petals to colour, ink
To my infantile drawings now safely
Tinging my sight, imperial chrysanthemums
Eager to burgeon reveal shades of pleasure
Whilst my beguile compels me to inhale
Far more than my lungs can bear, inebriated
By the delicacy of pervasive honeysuckles
Of which sweet nectar I used to extort
Sucking of peduncles while scrupulously
Searching for fortune-dispensing
Four-leaf clovers, a little older a peculiar pansy
Captivates my regard immerged
In such an ocean of indulgence I melt,
Mighty beauty on nature’s canvas
Only retrieved to individuality
By the sound of incessantly flowing
Electricity above my head,
Copper cables from which birds
Have now fled.
[Featured photo: Birds on electric cables by artist unknown]

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