To all those I chanced upon

To all those I chanced upon in past realms I recall
every one of you, needless of effort as I hoard
your encounter within me completing the oeuvre
painting my essence, portraying my existence.
To you my kindergarten friend I wonder
what you have become. Golden curls enveloping
your round freckled face I took you by your hand,
dragged you everywhere I went.
Do you still trade leaves for pine nuts?
To you my circus man, counting stories of a second
World War comradery as we walked the morning hours
with your two white fluffy poodles through Roman
squares helping painters put up their stands.
Do you still wear leather cowboy boots?
You they say one never forgets. We grew together
on summer holidays in Greece until you grew a passion
for hunting dogs and with the clumsy excuse
of taking them for a walk took me to the woods
on a moonless night for my first kiss.
To you who stuck with me through thick and thin
showering me with affection always a master
in making me laugh, epicurean philosophies to live
a happy life. Eloping fantasies neglected until we parted.
Did you ever make it to Australia?
And what about you my blues musicians, guitars
in our hands carelessly seated on the dirty floors
of San Lorenzo, we used to dance exchanging
our experiences for beers and shots of rum.
Do you still play notes of Vaughan?
To you my old-time street stranger homelessly
keeping an eye on me along my nocturnal returns,
when singing birds announce colours and odours
of the dawn as we shared warm croissants at four.
Are you still alive?
To all those I chanced upon in past realms I recall,
you are oh so many, blessed gifts of life to me,
I thank you for completing the oeuvre
painting my essence, portraying my existence.
[Featured painting: Friends Past, Present, Real and Imaginary by Ghadah Alkandari 2017/2018]