Indeed there is much for tears to fall,
Rivulets of salty droplets englobing violence
Witnessed by eyes that would wish to cleanse
Themselves from visions of misery, deplorable
Calvary of heinous conflicts, impuissant, words
Wit and wisdom are unable to resolve, inspiring
Hate in growling stomachs, putrid guts
Of broken toddlers, trudging and faltering amidst
The rubbles of what once was their home, under
Which mothers’ cadavers lie whilst fathers try
To dig up courage, restless bruised bare hands
Blindly rummaging through gravelly despair, to find
Smithereens of hope where hope seems to have died,
Murdered by deafening blasts echoing within,
Streaming through veins, shock waves
Fine-tuning a vibration that will reverberate in seeds,
They will blossom, on petrified blood proud shells
Concoctions, for the tree of righteousness failure
To spread its roots throughout a land that once was
Holy, the first migrating primordial humanity set foot in,
Out of its Cradle towards a dream, led by awe
Curiosity and possibility, towards a fertile crescent
Seeking life, a land that should remind us
That we are one people and no land ever
Was, is, and will be anyone’s land, if not of all,
And that we are all, with no exception migrants
Departed from the same cavernous abode, to thrive,
Survival purely ensured by unity, humbly recognising
We need one another to live, to question, explore and evolve
Into a creature mighty enough to wonder
Why it was blessed with breath and abundance,
Revolving around a star to be enlightened
On a kaleidoscopic sphere travelling through darkness,
A grain of earth whirling through unfathomable vastness,
Perpetual migration of all that exists and with this concept,
Let us rid ourselves of that which turns, us against each other,
Let us be led by awe, curiosity and possibility, love
And humbling gratitude, let man kill no man and mothers
Live, let children never be orphans, let us hold
The restless bruised bare hands of our brothers,
Recognise we need one another, reunite in the truth
That we are one another: one people sharing
A wandering grain of earth to experience
The mesmerising haphazard existence of life.
[Featured image: Jerusalem – Holy Land]