As I listen to sapient voices speak
Of a universe of endless wonder
Enthralling curiosity entreating discovery
Sparking creativeness sharpening wit,
Beguiling bounded senses aspiring to go beyond,
To feel the ethereal substance of the unfathomable,
Reach for the unreachable, a species led by marvel
Seeking hope and finding refuge in the unknown.

It grows, dreams, imagines, and explores,
Plays with water droplets musing upon
What lies beyond, the unfathomable, the unreachable,
The universe of life within, and without,
Moulding sand into glass to scrutinise
The globule unveiling a myriad dancing molecules
Eliciting awe inviting questions, hows and whys and wonders
Dazzling perhaps creating elegant responses

To decipher the score of an omnificent composer
Orchestrating the greatest glorious symphony of all.

And that is my humble yet immense wish for you,
My fellow human being, so fragile yet so strong,
So relentless and resilient, so willing to be more,
May the mysteries concealed by the unknown,
Your granted future the rest of your existence,
Enthral your curiosity and entreat you to discovery,
May you reach for the unfathomable and marvel
At the splendorous spectacle of endless wonder

Forever unfolding afore you.

[Featured photo: Phantom galaxy / M74 taken by Webb Telescope credit: NASA, ESA, CSA]