Lower the Curtain

Curtain down on glittering smiles,
Children’s exuberance, adults’ laughter.

Curtain down on happiness,
The concept, the unalienable right, its pursuit.

Curtain down on comradery,
Unfeigned compassion, amity and goodwill.

Curtain down on playful youth,
Hopscotch, musical chairs, and sleeping lions.

Curtain down on honest conversations,
Musing on the universe exchanging ideas,

Reinventing the world filling glasses with “what ifs”
Amidst friends reverentially attempting to birth, an Opinion.

Curtain down on opinions,
Warmhearted dialectics and dignified debates.

Curtain down on public opinion,
Age of Enlightenment darkened by fear.

[Public Opinion:
“The authoritative judgement of a collective conscience,
The ruling of a tribunal to which even the State is subject”*]

“End discrimination!”, “Stop wars!”, “Save the planet!”
Cries the collective consciousness unheeded and dismissed.

Curtain down on proper information and true knowledge
Coercive attempt to dull the minds.

Curtain down on truth,
Seeking and believing.

Curtain down on doubt,
Humility and listening.

Curtain down on diplomacy,
Careful pondering and intelligent understanding.

Curtain down on peace,
Loveful caring and graceful courtesy.

Curtain down on empathy,
And all that makes us Human.

[Featured artwork: Baissez le rideau, la farce est jouée, by Honoré Daumier]
[* The Birth of Public Opinion, Anthony J. La Vopa]