Before it’s too late

Seek me, let passion lead you,
Surrender to the mellifluous impulse,
Luscious shivers down your spine,

Heed your skin, its yearning, its craving,
Concede to its dominion, hush
Your mind’s obstinate hesitance,

Relent to the enticement
The all-pervasive fremitus you know
Oh so well solely I may quell,

With a glance, a touch, a caress,
I am entreating you to yield
Indulge in enrapturing intensity

Elating sensations of aliveness,
Let your body be my piano
I will commence with an Adagio,

You will rise me to an Andante Accelerando
To an Allegro you will grant me a short Capriccio
Poco a poco Crescendo a quattro mani

Fondling keys hammers will strike strings
And together we’ll compose our Giocoso
Sensuous games under the covers until

With your might you’ll take over, fall into me
Submit me to your power, as you play
A Forte blithesome ecstasy to a Fortissimo

And in rapturing delight, hold me
As if the world was fine, kiss me
As if it was the first last time,

Diminuendo to a Berceuse I will lull you
Watch you close your eyes to abscond in dreams
Where wonder conquers senses I will follow

Elating sensations of aliveness, realms
Of Epicure pacifying our restless terrestrial emotions
Where the mind is freed to play its own symphony

Indulging in the enrapturing intensity of munificent ideas,
Creating universes of endless possibilities
Ingenious illusions, intellectual orgasms until

We ineluctably awake to reality and all we hear
Is a distant lament, an Elegy crying
For truth is, indeed, it is too late.

[Featured artwork: Woman with piano by MdTamziD]