A halcyon love affair [or Meletao 2023]

I bide my time awaiting, the next full moon as if
This one more than others knows how and wills
To seduce me, entrance me, revive me, adroitly

Laying promises on velvet blankets
For me to surrender and yield my entirety
To the sole true lover who beholds and conceives me.

I acquiesce in its arms and succumb to its desire.

Meletao, how I long for our yearly tryst,
The way you play to enthral me with your luscious scents
Inebriating essence with melanges of primroses and soldanelles,

Orchids, irises, red lilies, saxifrages, blooms of narcissus,
Explosions of ecstasy bewildering me with omnificence,
I breathe you in deeply whilst my eyes proceed lasciviously

To peruse your body, muse its textures spellbound by its colours.

Each encounter a bliss, the wildness of your wilderness kaleidoscopic
Patterns reawaking my senses, depriving me of reason,
For untamable fingertips to lubriciously hunt your lusty virility,

Fondling your fertile emerald mantle, caressing the vigour of your mighty
Trees, as I make my way through a winding path naked and bewitched
To reach the river and bath in your sapphire crystal waters,

Yes, I abandon myself to you as you pour your power onto me.

The mellifluous melody of your mystifying performance enlivens
In peaceable indulgence, everything within you is making love,
The moon to the valley, the river to the rocks, dancing leaves

To the wind, roots penetrating deep, fireflies in my palms,
Stars to eyes in awe, butterflies to flowers, birds with one another
And why not, human beings with each other. And whilst

Howls addressed to Selene echo around me I fear not

Wolves as I lay enfolded by your delicate embrace.
For in your arms I feel enshrined, For in your arms I need not,
For in your arms I am complete, For in your arms I am one

With all that ever was is and will be.

[Featured artwork: Nature girl by Andri Felix]
[Event: Meletao Festival – https://meletao.org/]