Letter to White Rabbit (part 2)

How dare you . . .

I have been stranded in nothingness since my origin,
abiding by laws I grew to plenish our abode with elements,
designing substance through challenging recombinations

to spark, creations, endeavouring eons to unfold
endless possibilities, waited patiently for you
to come into existence, recognise me, understand

cherish my doings, share my wisdom privilege me
with awareness, for deprived of observers I am not
and without me nor are you. You are special,

sensed my presence at inception, to find me you evolved.
I was there when you were born, as I from a dot of energy
taking shape to awe, instantly attempting to talk

to me, reunite though we were never apart, both
merely beginning to realise what we are,
an accident to some, quite a uniquely extravagant one!

Hence, dear White Rabbit trust me cease the madness,
do not reprimand yourself for not being perfect,
neither am I nothing is. I was not what I am now

nor are you yet what you will be and look how far
we’ve come, rest assure we will succeed, reach a moment
on our timeline in which we’ll meld and speak,

silently about the marvel of simply being, us,
you a piece of me and I within you. The sheer fact,
that you innately revere the beauty I engender

gape at the immensity of my prodigious opuses,
the colours of my fantasy, the sheer fact,
that you appal afore injustice lack of harmony and peace,

you are already so much closer to me than you think,
so pretty please, until we meet keep evolving,
rejoice for your life, embrace all living beings

slow down and breathe in, treasure your home,
have faith in your intuitions, exult at your achievements
do not shy, in humbleness only seek, greatness,

have the courage to shine, rise from your failures,
follow nothing but the truth, my course
through wondrous infinity as all shall flow, just as it should.

The only way it could.
Yours sincerely, All That Exists.

[Featured image: Alice Through the Looking Glass by James Bobin]