As long as we

White caucasoid, yellow or dusky mongoloid
Orange australoid, black negroid, and perhaps
Khoisanoids, non-bantu lighter South Africans
The closest thing to original Homo sapiens.

European, Asian, Oceanian, African, the first
Three descendants of the latter, and perhaps
Native American, progeny of an ice age granting Asians
A land to cross, over twenty thousand years ago.

Migrating humans all along, sharing 99.9% of their essence,
Mutating shapes and colours only as they roam, adapt
To diverse lands where even the sun shines differently
For multifarious flowers to feed the fragile species.

Instinctively grateful Humanity praises nature a lady
Time a lord, thanks them for their generous abundance.

Hindu, Zoroastrian, Jewish, Jain, Confucianist, Buddhist
Taoist, Shintoist, Christian, Muslim, Bahá’í and why not
Agnostic and atheist, all united in wonder before the marvel
That is the Universe, Earth and the living beings within.

Female, male, intersex, cisgender, transgender, gender fluid,
Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, pansexual
And why not, questioning and many shades more,
Humans looking for themselves and someone to love.

We turn to thoughts and dividing we follow one.
First world, the West, democratic-industrial countries
Self-defined “civilised” comparing, to second world,
The Eastern bloc, communist-socialist states oppressing

Workers claiming their freedom, both depriving the third
The remaining three-quarters of the world,
Of their resources, self-governance, a chance to live.
Never mind that is where civilisations truly did begin.

As lands are classified so are individuals, white
Collar, blue collar, pink, gold and red, but also
Purple, orange, green, and scarlet by night,
Albeit enamoured with colours, artists have none.

Six thousand five hundred languages we speak and yet
Are unable to express ourselves fully and understand
One another comprehensively our only differences
Residing in unequal treatment of variants, 0.1% of our DNA,
Moulded by the ancestral courage to discover move and evolve

The lands we roamed, the lords we praised,
The people we loved, the identity we recognised as ours,
The battles we fought, the thoughts we thought
The confusion which led us chasing gold,

Unrealising we were One all along, united by the only
Fundamental truth no one can deny we are
Nothing more and nothing less than a spiritually-inclined
Species struggling to survive whilst aspiring to live

Pursuing happiness and capable of love.

[Featured image: Ad campaign, University of Illinois]