Chasing Stars

August held my hand in silence
Shushed the noise for me to heed
The wind caressing crisp dry leaves
Clinging on thirsty trees exhausted
By the blossoms they engendered
Throughout the past five moons.

Pervaded by summer frissons I followed
Shivers down my spine he enticed me
To transgress abiding by instincts
Neglecting the law forbidding
Humans from sleeping under the stars.
By the lake I sat until everyone was gone.

Sunset hid behind the hill as wind muted
Its last rays glittered on water I heard splashes
Of hopping fish creating ripples entrancing
Whilst other beings slowly revealed their presence
Exiting the forest to lay beside me and all
Began perusing the skies chasing stars.

Raining glimpses of shooting dreams
Caught our eyes reflecting a lighted cosmos
Sparkling beads we mirrored the universe
In our pupils and I wondered
Was it us looking at it or was it
Beholding us?

As I surrendered to my surroundings
Imbued with love and a sense
Of overwhelming peace I observed
The dark black canvas and noticed
Myself, my life, my essence
In all its vastness.

[Featured illustration: Birmania Earth by Toni Demuro]