Goggle-Travelling through the Meaning of Life

“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them.”

Hamlet, William Shakespeare, 1602.

THE BOOK Goggleman grew up on the River of Time, a place of incredible harmony where everything made sense and nothing was impossible. His parents were the Keepers of the Lighthouse of Wandering Souls, hosting the Universal Doors through which everyone with goggles could travel from one world to the other through space and time, or as some called it, spacetime. The River flowed in the infinitely expanding Cosmos, permeating all dimensions. Throughout his quest for the Meaning of Life, Goggleman will encounter many friends and foes, finding himself fighting epic battles whilst discovering himself, the Human Universe and beyond.

REVIEWS – “A multi-layered existential adventure for all.”

AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE  worldwide, at all Amazon stores.

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Published in 2019 – Isbn: 978-1686171284