Peace and Possibilities

It is said, peace is a state of mind and I
Tend to agree albeit I notice environment
Can by all means foster or hinder
Such fragile conquest of a human being.
Though with intelligence and intrinsic creativeness
Discoveries and inventions we progress
Along the timeline of our evolution it seems,
We have given up natural pleasures for ephemeral
Comfort and confused notions of success.
Unable to benefit from the harmony granted
Merely being, amid other creatures and all living things,
Our Earth breathes and dances while our eyes
Have turned blind to the beauty of apparent
Simplicity. That meticulous orchestration sparking
Beguiling colours sounds and odours
Particles in perpetuous motion changing speed,
To give, leafy trees braking waves tall strong mountains
Flourishing lands and islands, sapphire rivers
Abundance of oxygen playful animals various
Textures beneath our feet. Juicy fruits, herbs and spices
Our home provides us with all we need to live.
Yet curiosity and greed lead us to want, more,
Incessantly looking for something else
Something new as we neglect all that we
Already possess. A healthy body a strong mind
Sensibility it is said peace is a state of mind,
Though only returning to nature do I
Fully grasp the potential of its power
In endless possibilities.
[Featured photo: Tree on sand, Thailand, 2019]