The Sentient Mouse

The mouse was taught to open cages
A hero to liberate his inmates,
When he did he would be granted
The requital of mirthful reunion.
To researchers’ dismay the little rodent
Persisted freeing prisoners even despite
The absence of promised guerdons.
Taken a step further and given a choice
Between unbolting a cage containing
A fellow mouse and another a piece of chocolate,
The mouse chose to open both
Releasing his friend and sharing
The delightful cocoa reward.
Empathy display was diagnosed.
The man was taught to love his kind
Be gentle to others and live in peace
Though through mixed messages he dwelt.
Unable to recognise his similars
Talks of colours and social ranks
Adults told him he should do his best
To climb to upper echelons, to focus on himself.
Get a good job, marry engender kids,
Buy a big house a nice car, all the gadgets in the world.
The man did as he was told.
Turned blind eyes to reach his goal
Uncomprehending why
Happiness was still not his to find.
Empathy deficit was diagnosed.
Elaborating an antidote the only
Remedy appears to lie on change
Of perspective and behaviour,
For man to cease to attempt
To identify his peers
Recognising in all creations
His true essence and direction.
A sip of empathy syrup will reunite
What once was One and now is many
Into a unique and indisputable identity,
Twirling energy encompassing
The Universe and all within.
[Featured photo: Laboratory mice]