Split Seconds

Split seconds like drops of water
Beget the ocean shape a life.
A succession of sensations
Impressions eliciting emotions
Triggering reason to grasp,
The immense omnificence the fantasy
That gave us creatures breath
Infinite space indefinite time,
Inhaling into existence the first
Split second granting us pulse.
A beginning a future a rum concept
Of moments passing by faster
Than the beats of earthly metronomes
Gauging the intensity of our journey
Towards an indecipherable finish line,
For hereafters to mutate
Into bygones. What lies in between
Are a multitude of impulses
Observations choices and actions
Delineating consciousness along
The labyrinthic paths of linear Chronos,
Oddly perceiving like a mirage in the mist
An unfathomable continuance beyond,
In the realms of boundless Aion
Exhaling into death the last
Split second granting us eternity.
A reconciliation harmonic melding
Of our substance into oneness encompassing
All that exists this time provided
With the natural unconscious awareness
Of just how mesmerising and mirific
Our Universe is, let alone
Our existence within.
[Featured painting: Tired Old Time by Franziskus Pfleghart]