Ethos was the word

‘The genius of a people
Characteristic spirit
Of a time and place’
Ethos was the word,
That reawakened my fixation
Got me hooked after a chimera
Enchanted with an idea
Poisoned by reflections of myself
In the scribbles of another,
Mirages of a unified humanity
Bound by ideals and beliefs
Shared naively wishing
They were mine. To be
Kind and Just, treat others
With love, coherence
Metamorphosis, tenacity
Ardour and audacity
A community led,
By emotions moulding behaviours
Morals converging
Towards a reachable quest,
Understanding comprehend
Collective happiness
A unique coalescing feeling
Of creatures wandering a land,
Granted by a Universe observing
Whilst it parallelly evolves
Wondering in turn,
What we will ever make
Of ourselves.
[Featured painting: Number 17A by Jackson Pollock]