Globalisation epilogue

Humankind, roaming tribes,
in search of food and natural
resources to live, procreate,
ensure survival of the species.
As it encounters strangers
to its likes, it fancies the unknown,
mingling, giving birth to new heirs,
original unparalleled half-castes.
Homo neanderthalensis and sapiens
the first, of which we still carry four
percent, in the meanders of our DNA
migration heritage, globalisation prelude.
Ever since, many mixtures more
for stronger breeds, offsprings
of diversity, races, cultures, creeds,
to unite what geography divides.
Evolution to allow trade of local
artefacts and products worldwide,
tasting foods and all spices, ideas,
theories, discoveries and creations.
By boat, on trains, aboard planes,
surfing the net, we share existence
daily, acquiring knowledge in due
course flowing into globalisation epilogue.
The rise of an undivided kind,
so entangled to absorb essence
from one another until the day
inexistent individuality makes way,
To a unique and united creature
called Humanity residing in
and intrinsic part of, an immense
outstanding masterly Universe.
[Featured painting: The Garden Of Earthly Delights, Humankind before the Flood panel by Hieronymus Bosch, ca. 1503]