Gross National Happiness

Who counts? Who scores?
Indexes and numbers to measure
Certify happiness amongst us.
Criteria based on production
Monetary wealth, body health,
A game of who owns what,
While life expectancy seeks immortality.
Freedom to make choices, rather
Blue than red, logic over faith
An apple or an android,
Social support for solitary souls,
Hiding sickness in structures not to see
For someone else to care.
As fear domesticates, unforgivable greed
Politically incorrect, turns into acceptable
Ambition leading the way.
Communication becomes smart
Exchanging letters for emoticons,
Emotion icons to express
Feelings, flaunting selfies taken alone,
To prove and demonstrate
Happiness withstanding all.
Denial of shameful agony,
Avoidance of public disgrace.
Who counts? Who scores?
Whilst “happy” populations dream
Of suicide carried out in secrecy not to
Interfere with census results,
A remote kingdom suggests diverting focus
From gross domestic product
To Gross National Happiness.
Criteria based on spirituality
Physical health, social involvement
Environmental conservation, cultural
Preservation, harmony with nature,
Pursuing happiness the sole priority
For life to be indeed, a bliss.